Database software and AI

Intelligence requires 1) memory, 2) circuits, 3) responsiveness to external and internal events 4) the ability of external or internal events to change or establish circuitry (memory), 5) variable timers that automate the flow and initiation of circuits. For example, thinking also depends on the initiation of previously dormant thoughts or memories. This initiation may depend on neural timed automaticity whereby one or more cells spontaneously depolarize to trigger a thought. (The precedent of cellular automaticity is generally associated with electrophysiology of the heart.)

Our software invention has some of these features: 1) memory, by storage of machine instructions within database cells. This includes what electronic event occurs and what database cell will be activated next (by automating the selection of another menu item of the same or another menu). 2) algorithms that are triggered by the selection of menu items, 3) user selection of algorithm pathways, 4) user ability to change database cell contents and by doing so, the machine instructions that will be activated by selection of a menu it em, 5) timers that automate the flow of algorithms and how fast the automation occurs. The speed of the timer can be varied at each step in the algorithm and can be interrupted or modified by the user. Timer speed is a property of the menu item and determined by a number stored in the database cell.

Database software and artificial intelligence: DNA is the ultimate biological database and has already been applied for digital storage. In this sense, a database is like a software’s DNA. Each row of a database contains cells that determine the functionality of a single level of options. To the software user, these options may be represented as a displayed menu of option items. The functionality of an option consists of what happens when it is selected, such as 1) machine instructions that can be processed by ancillary software, 2) the selection of a subsequent option in the current or another menu of the current or another database, and 3) the possibility of timer automation of the selection of another option if the user does not make a selection within an allotted time period.

A sequence of option selections constitutes one of many possible pathways in an algorithm. If external or internal events are able to modify database cell contents, than there will be change in the algorithm and the sequence of events that ensue. Database storage of this new sequence constitutes a new memory. External events may be derived by human software interaction or other electronic inputs, such as from a tactile sensor, camera or microphone. Automaticity is central to thinking, and enables events such as spontaneous thoughts and rumination. Database cells can prompt spontaneous expression of option selection. More frequent option selection can alter the numeric value associated with automaticity and make automated expression of an option more frequent. When this happens automaticity may contribute to algorithm circuit construction or learning.

A digital neuron may be construed as having a database as its core DNA and the electronics that run 1) the database software, 2) the ancillary software needed to actuate the machine instructions encoded in the database cells, 3) the machinery that can be used to sense the digital and external environment, and 4) the machinery that responds digitally or externally to the database instructions. One or more database cells may be running or dormant in one or more computer systems. The pathways that are triggered in the database encoded algorithms may trigger, reinforce or extinguish each other, like neural circuits.
Thought may represent the “hum” of database driven circuits interacting in this way.

Next steps: Our software has some features that may be useful in the development of artificial intelligence technology but also has limitations because it depends on human interaction. Like many human-software dependencies, there is a spectrum between completely autonomous artificial intelligence and hibridization of human and machine intelligences. Our computers amplify our intelligence. Additional work and invention is needed to broaden the ability of software like ours to respond to external and internal events. We anticipate that this would depend on the ability of electronic non-human inputs to modify database contents and algorithm patterns.

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